Tuesday, June 22, 2010

computer woes

My laptop is being fixed.  I think I got a virus because somehow all of my pictures and some documents have disappeared!  I don't understand why people do this.  Why can't they do something to HELP society instead of creating headaches for us.  I do hope my computer guy can find my photos--graduation, Christmas, birthday parties, spring training and stuff I have made.....

Monday, June 14, 2010

New blog

I have started a new blog that will focus on the items I am selling in my Etsy store. I will keep them separate from all the stuff I make for the grandkids and for donations.  I don't have any posts on the new blog because I have been busy setting up my Etsy stuff.
This will take you to my Etsy store http://www.etsy.com/shop/Addicted2Stitching
As soon as I get something on my blog, I will post about it.  It is called Addicted2Stitching, just like my shop.
Hope you stop by!

Busy, busy

I haven't really neglected my blog, I've just been extremely busy. I was on a sewing, knitting and crocheting frenzy getting ready for the Women's Expo at our church.  It was a huge success and I sold lots and got even more special orders. I was quite happy about that.
Then we went to St. Louis for Haley's graduation.  She even got a small scholarship that will pay for her books at SEMO!!

It was also Norah's 4th birthday so we has a party on Sat.  The girls were lots of fun and Nadia (almost 1) loves her Grandpa!

I made this hat for Nadia but she had more fun wearing the headband I bought for her!

Remember the book If You Give a Pig a Pancake?
I made the pig and pancake for Norah (she already has the book).  It was fun to do!

After we got home I had surgery on my hand to correct my trigger finger (nothing to do with a gun) on my right hand.  I am still going to therapy, but it was almost a whole week of trying to type with one hand and no crocheting or knitting--withdrawal!!