Thursday, November 16, 2006

Prayer shawls

I started a Prayer Shawl Ministry at church this year. Before that I had made a prayer shawl for Roberta when husband Jerry went home to be with the LORD. Then I made one for Amy who went through a very difficult pregnancy. Here are some of the shawls I made this year (don't have pictures of all of them).

This (pink one)was made for Vanessa, my friend in North Carolina. Her mother passed away at the end of the summer after a long and painful fight with cancer.

This shawl was made for my knitting buddy, Jan, whose sister suffered a fatal heart attack. She was in her 50s and it was a huge shock to everyone.

This is one of 2 shawls made for an Amish child in PA following the horrible shootings in a school in Lancaster County. The other shawl is dark burgundy.

I have made many more shawls but handed them out before I took a picture of them.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Norah sits up

Norah has learned to sit up and loves to do it. She has even stopped rolling over. Whenever she is put on the floor, she goes into a sitting position!!